Kathleen Dos Santos

Kathleen Dos Santos

I was born and raised on the island. I am also first generation Brazilian American that knows Portuguese. With the island growing I have been able to help many Brazilians and give back to the community. I spent most my high school being apart of Minnesingers, singing is a big passion of mine. Being able to travel with Minnesingers I got an opportunity of a life time to be able to sing in a thousand year old cathedral in Ireland.

I fell I love with doing hair at a very young age and I fortunate to be able to follow my cousins foot steps. I graduated from Toni&Guy academy and came straight back to the island to work with Maggie. I love with doing hair and making people feel confident with themselves. I’m more than excited to start my journey here!


31 beach road, suite 104A, vineyard haven, ma 02568

508.693.CURL | 508-693-2875


proud-to-be a

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